World Squash Federation on uudistamassa racketballin nimeä (!), jotta racketballin tunnistaisi helpommin kuuluvan kansainväliseen squashperheeseen ja järjestää asiaa koskevan pelaajakyselyn:
Lisätietoja nimihankkeesta löytyy saatekirjeestä, ks. alla.
Dear Colleague,
You may not have Racketball players in your country but if you do, WSF, supported by England Squash, are embarking on a project to rename Racketball and are keen to have input from players.
The driving reason for doing this is to clearly identify Racketball as a recognisable part of the squash family and stop the confusion with Racquetball, a different primarily North American game. The word ‘squash’ will be part of the new name for Racketball when finalised, and will establish it as a variation of squash played on a squash court, with a view to promoting it as part of the squash family.
We would be very appreciative of your input and support for this project so please pass on this link to the survey to your Racketball players, as we would like their feedback:
Please let them know that the survey takes no more than 10 minutes to complete and all answers are anonymous, so they can be open and honest!
Many thanks for your help.
Andrew Shelley
Chief Executive