White ball shines at Squash 57

White ball shines at Squash 57

Suomen HSRC teki sen ensimmäisenä maailmassa eli käytti uusia valkoisia palloja maansa Squash 57 -mestaruuskilpailuissa! World Squash Federationin pyynnöstä ja kansainvälisen kiinnostuksen myötä HSRC julkaisee oheisen tiedotereportaasin, jota saa vapaasti jakaa eteenpäin (Creative Commons BY 4.0).


The new white ball makes all the difference in making Squash 57 a spectator sport. It looks much better to live and online audiences, and it’s fun to have exciting action shots of the players.

But is it good to play? Yes, it definitely is! For once you can really see the ball on a glass court. The ball also behaves well and the feel is very similar to a normal court. Our glass court at Talihalli in Helsinki is cold and slow, so you have to aim your shots a bit higher to reach the back court, and the back wall bounces a bit less.

The Finnish nationals at Squash 57 was the ultimate test for the white ball and it was a resounding success. It’s amazing that there were no complaints about the ball and the court, even though the players only had the chance to test the combination one day before the matches.

Apart from the excitement of the novelty, it shows that the white ball performs very well. Competitive players also enjoy the crowds that our glass court definitely attracts. The Talihalli glass court and adjacent glass back courts provide a luxurious social space for spectators.

‘The white ball is good for the sport and it is fun to play with,’ says Mika Monto, managing director of the Finnish Squash Association and reigning Squash 57 champion.

As a welcome surprise, newcomers to Squash 57 found it easier to play on the glass court with the white ball. Perhaps the slower bounce and greater contrast between the ball and the court explain this.

‘We are looking forward to selling the full glass court to the Squash 57 players,’ says Talihalli’s managing director Sari Niemistö. ‘We also need to get more racquets as we’re almost sold out!’

The new white ball has been developed and manufactured by Price of Bath and is available at www.priceofbath.com. Get yours before the first batch sells out!


Lisätieto: Valkoinen pallo tulee myyntiin Talihallissa ensimmäisen kaupallisen erän saavuttua Suomeen. Nettitoimituksen saamien tietojen mukaan toinen valkoisten pallojen erä on valmisteilla.

Text and photos: Petteri Repo
License for text and photos: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
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